[세부 - 필인터어학원] My Life in Philinter as the Student
아이디 : admin | 작성일 : 2012.12.21 14:10 | 조회수 : 5836

Hi My name is Kim Jun Ha from Korea and my nick name is Tol.

Today, I would like to introduce my life in Philinter as the student.

Here we go!

Studying in Philinter is very useful and enjoyable. 

In my case, it's better than studying English in Korea. 

I use English more than Korean here. 

Every class uses English, even with the same nationality in group class. 

I can't use my own language. I have a lot of memorable experiences in my stay here.

At first, it's little bit difficult but using English in class is really helpful to 

improve my English skill.  

New students arrive at the school on weekends, and some of them 

join my group class on Tuesday. 

So I can make foreign friends easily, but it's difficult in Korea. 

Sometimes, they have a lot of information about studying abroad and we can share it. 

Secondly, I have learned some important things related to English. 

In addition, I can enjoy the vacation on weekends. 

The Philippines is a very famous place for vacation. 

There are lot of beautiful islands and beach resorts nearby Cebu City. 

Also, I can enjoy the leisure activities easily in here. 

The Philippine seas are beautiful and clean for snorkeling and scuba diving. 

I have learned many things not just English, that's why I love this place. 

If someone asks me "Do you want to go to Philinter again?" 

I'll answer like this, "Definitely yes, I do."

Though I think I'm the worst student in Philinter, I'll still come back here. 

If I come back here, I'll do my best and try to be the best student.

IP : 58.72.66.***
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02 국가별유학정보

03 국가별 안전정보

메인 베스트 3


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